Onboarding Support
For managers and executives the transition from one’s current position to their new one is an important and intensive phase in their career. During this phase, you should focus your attention and energy on activities and challenges to ensure that you can be effective in your new role as quickly possible. This is because the factors for success are determined within the first 90 days on the new job.
Coaching / counseling
As a valued contact of Horton International we offer you the possibility to make free use of our executive coaching programme “Onboarding Support” during the first year in your new position. Onboarding Support is a professional and integrated part of our service which aims to guide you during the transformation to the new organisation and position.
Onboarding Support will help you to be productive in your position as quickly as possible. You will have the opportunity to exchange ideas on the integration process with our coach and, if desired, to define a personal development plan. This takes places in a safe environment. You will discuss which factors contribute to your success, and which targets you want to attain or have already attained.
Our coach will serve as an external and neutral ‘sounding board’. Everything that you discuss remains confidential, unless you specify otherwise. The programme consists of five one-on-one sessions, of one hour each. To ensure objectivity and encourage learning, the session usually takes place off-site. These sessions generally take place during the first nine months of your new employment. We also offer unlimited ad-hoc telephone support.
You will be introduced to our coach and the first session will take place after you have been appointed, but before commencing your duties. The follow-up sessions will be planned in consultation with you.
Subjects that will be discussed include:
- Your expectations of the new job and the work environment.
- Results of the assessment report (if available).
- Discrepancies between job requirements and available knowledge and skills.
- What does it mean to switch to a new organisation & position?
- Naming important requirements and challenges in your new role.
- Defining first steps to get acquainted with the organisation (creating credibility and acceptance as quickly as possible).
- Steps to building an internal network (line manager, direct reports and other stakeholders).
- First successes and potential pitfalls to further success.
- Gaps in knowledge and skills.
- Defining personal targets for improvement to be successful and/or for a personal development plan.
- Following up the targets for improvement.
- Reflecting on your new role.