Online Assessment

Online assessments offered by Horton International consist of various tests or questionnaires that are completed by the candidate. The combination of these tests and questionnaires is determined by the role and the competencies required for the specific job. Horton International offers complete online Talent Assessments as part of the selection process.

Horton International uses the tools of HFMtalentindex, a leading, innovative player in the area of Talent Assessment, Talent Development, Talent Performance and Talent Analytics based on the Big Five.

The online Talent Assessments and analysis tools offer deeper insight into the personality and motivations of the candidate in a specific job and organisation. Candidates are tested on qualities that determine their success in the organisation: competencies, intelligence, learning agility and mainsprings. The tests offer a complete and objective view of the qualities and potential damage to the company’s image of each candidate.

Tools for Talent Development, Talent Performance and Talent Analytics are used in our services.

In Talent Development sessions we use development tools that map out the growth opportunities of an individual in an organisation.

Talent Performance sessions focus on the effectiveness of people in relation to the organisation and business objectives, individually as well as on a group level.

Learning agility plays a major role at Talent Analytics sessions. The versatility of the organisation is largely determined by the adoptive ability of employees, their Learning Agility. On the basis of analyses, the ease and speed with which people learn in new situations and become effective are mapped out. This offers an organisation the possibility of selectively focusing on the operational capability of employees and speeding up the organisation’s development.

All Partners of Horton International Netherlands have completed the training and are certified.