How can you better engage your employees?

How can you better engage your employees?

Leaders are having trouble finding ways to stimulate engagement with today’s employees – a workforce that is much more diverse and younger than ever before. As a leader, certainly, you are not responsible for providing work-life balance for your employees, however, you can still assist them to do so. Why? The employees who can integrate their work and life successfully are happier and better engaged to the company. Here comes a few things that you can do to help your employees be more satisfied with their job.

Model the work-life balance yourself

Directors need to model the work-life balance they wish to implement in the company. When a Manager is on holiday but still sends emails just like when he is in the office, it sends a powerful message to the employees. It affects greatly their personal choices on their own work-life balance.

Offer flexible working hours

It does not mean that your employees can come and go as they wish. However, in many workplaces, flexible starting and ending hours can be implemented easily. A four-day week with one day home-office requires a bit of more planning, but it can greatly support work-life balance, too.

Don’t expect employees to work hard all the time

It’s okay to expect employees to work long hours for example during a product launch or a trade show for three or four days. But note that employees cannot  sustain an extra level of energy, motivation and long working hours as a constant work expectation.

Organize employee activities

Sponsor employee and family activities on a regular basis, to encourage friendships in the office, teambuilding, and the inclusion of families in the work events. Never forget: the friendships that employees build, encourage them to stay with your Corporation. Most happy employees have a best friend at work.

The values, expectations and decisions in your workplace will help your employees in their work-life balance choices. In the best-case scenario, these steps will support you to recruit and retain the superior employees you seek.

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